For me, I'm a huge fan of tennis and anything that regards it, I get really excited. Originally, I just thought that this ad was a regular ad with a pretty girl on it, until I saw the name of the product, "Sugarpova". Just the name made me giggle.
The product has a very creative name, "Sugarpova". It's a hybrid of sugary candy and the sponsor, Sharapova. It's a good way to combine both the actual product and the celeb that created it. In the Sugarpova series, there are 12 different types of candy with different themes. I would say the most popular from the series is the "sporty" theme. The candies are lemon-lime gumballs shaped as tennis balls! I checked on It's Sugar's website and it said these sporty candies were back in stock, so definitely it's a hit. To be honest, all the candies that are from this line are just ordinary gummies, but the different shapes make them different from the regular worms and bears. They have those too, but they also have gummy lips, handbags, shoes, spiders, hearts, and shoes.
In a sense, I think the need that can fit in with this ad would be the need for achievement. Sharapova has been #1 in the world of women's tennis. Assuming people know that, consumers would want have achievements by eating this product. I also believe physiological needs can be part of this ad because it is advertising for food, just not healthy food...Maybe after an intense workout, you feel like have sugar. You see this ad and immediately want some! A technique that is used is Testimonial. Sharapova is in her own ad, showing her urge for you to buy her new line. Hearing from other people, as well as my own opinion, Sharapova is one of the prettiest athletes! The different themes for the products also show the stereotype of women being "sassy", "flirty", and "chic".
In my opinion, I say these ads were very effective. The bright colors and fun designs made me feel energized and excited to buy this product, which I eventually did...It was like $6, but the tennis ball gumballs were just too cute! Sharapova did a great job selling her line of candy.
I loved this analysis, Olivia! When I first saw these all I could think was, "Why are they making such a big deal of some pretty average candy?" I mean, here we have some sugar, gelatin, citric acid, and a few flavors and colors. Why is that so exciting that it needs to express different personality types or be the center of a glamorous ad? Based on this, I would say that in addition to the testimonial you mentioned, the advertising also relies on gestalt. But maybe that's just me.